Slimvolume Poster Edition

Tim Allen, Tim Bailey, Gustav Bauer, David Burrows, Claire Carter, Phil Coy, Minerva Cuevas, Marcus Degerman, Ingrid Eriksson, Iain Forsyth & Jane Pollard, Carina Gunners, Matthew Higgs, Fredrik Holmqvist, Karl Holmqvist, Andrew Hunt, Karin Johnson, Rob Rhys Jones, Peter Kapos, Dan Kidner, Anna Kindgren, Claudia Klucaric, Jacob Krajciek, Bella Rune, Nicola Schudy, Slimvolume, Mark Titchner, Peter Thörneby, Roman Vasseur, Westphalen, curated by Andrew Hunt and Helena Sundström
Austrian Cultural Forum
12 November 2001

The publication of this curatorial exercise was launched at ACF.
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