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Anthony Auerbach
18 06 2001
Introduction to the dossier: I was an art censor, or, the straw man strikes back
  We pick up the story when Susanne Clausen and Alun Rowlands finally came up with the publicity materials for their 'fated' project, 'We all [love] Otto Mühl'. This followed various discussions and correspondence with Roman Vasseur who was organising the project space, which, it seemed, failed to 'connect' and, looking back, were inauspicious. It's too boring to compile all that now, and besides, I was not involved at all in those contacts. It is explained somewhat in what is presented here and if you want to know more, please conact Roman Vasseur, Susanne Clausen or Alun Rowlands. The proposal document about the 'Office of Anti-Matter' is included as a preliminary. The rest is unexpurgated and nearly complete.

So you have a chronicle of a dispute which arose, in my view, from behaviour more absurd than subversive on the part of Clausen and Rowlands. Their lack of interrogation and observation was compounded by dogged miscalculation of the situation they thought they were addressing, and probably misguided by an obsession with 'self-positioning' and an unusual interest in authority. I do not apologise for failing to fulfil their need for a dumb institutional or bureaucratic authority, and instead providing a challenging environment for critical projects, serious work and hilarious art. But don't let that prejudice your reading ... click on.

Anthony Auerbach
London, June 2001

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The main characters are Roman Vasseur, Susanne Clausen and Alun Rowlands, Alexander Brener and Barbara Schurz. Bit parts are played by Dave Beech, Gregor Muir, Ranko Bon and Michael Zimmermann.

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