• Marlene Haring: Secret Service Agency
  • Marlene Haring: Secret Service Agency
  • Marlene Haring: Secret Service Agency

Secret Service Agency, 8-hour-45-minute performance, Modern Art Oxford, 27 November 2010

Secret Service is fifteen minutes of conversation under a legally binding non-disclosure agreement. Previously, Marlene Haring performed Secret Service at various venues with herself as sole agent. At Modern Art Oxford, she set up Secret Service Agency. The Agency infiltrated the whole building, using spaces normally inaccessible to the public as Secret Service Bureaux. The Client makes an appointment at the Front Desk. In each Bureau sits a Secret Service Agent, hired by Haring. On entering the Secret Service Bureau, Client and Agent sign a non-disclosure agreement which states that no transaction taking place during the next fifteen minutes of Secret Service may be disclosed to anyone else. Client and Agent each keep a signed copy of the contract.