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Bush TV Bratislava 2005

The day I gave my talk about Video as Urban Condition at Burundi in Bratislava, President Bush decided to give a talk in the main square of the city. Of course, elaborate security precautions were in effect. However, except for 'VIP's, none of the people that came to the square to hear the speech got to see Bush because the media podium was in the way, or if not that, a giant TV screen. So the people who showed up in the centre of the city in the snow, only got to watch TV and the VIPs had the pleasure of seeing themselves on TV. A small protest on the other side of the securtiy barrier made a noise (unheard on the podium) and attracted a little attention from TV crews and from a policeman with camcorder.

view images from Bush TV Bratislava 24 February 2005

Anthony Auerbach

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